Michael Stradling – Barrister – Areas of Work Covered
Road Traffic
An expert in defending Road Traffic cases, dealing with all matters from speeding, drink driving, and disqualification cases through to dangerous driving and driving cases involving fatalities. If you have been accused of a road traffic offence, Michael can help you to obtain the best result for your circumstances – View Notable Cases.
General Crime
Michael has a wealth of experience defending all manner of general criminal offences. Whether the allegation is a minor breach of the criminal law, or a serious case of money laundering, drug trafficking, rape or murder, Michael is able to offer first class, effective representation. Anyone accused of a criminal offence needs to know their options clearly, and the same is true for those close to the accused. Michael can work with you on all aspects of criminal procedure – View Notable Cases.
Fraud, Money Laundering, Confiscation, Forfeiture
Michael has defended in large scale serious fraud and money laundering cases. Michael has written on the criminal liability of mortgage brokers arranging fraudulent mortgages. He has defended in one of the biggest cash forfeiture proceedings ever brought by the Serious Organised Crime Agency. He has experience of asset confiscation at all levels.
Michael can represent and advise on all aspects of this area of law – View Notable Cases.
Business Crime
Criminal offences can be committed by businesses and, if there is a conviction, large fines can be imposed. If your business faces such difficulties, Michael can assist you to achieve the best resolution. Similarly, Michael can provide advice for your business on how to avoid incurring criminal liability.
In some cases, proceedings may be taken to seek to disqualify persons from being directors of companies. This can have a devastating effect on your reputation and your capacity to earn a living. Michael can provide advice and representation on these matters – View Notable Cases.
Michael can represent and advise in most firearms matters, including the licensing of firearms – View Notable Cases
Michael can advise and represent in licensing matters – View Notable Cases.
Michael has experience in employment law and employment related matters. He is able to advise generally, and to provide representation in appropriate circumstances – View Notable Cases.