12 points on your licence and not disqualified
Many drivers have points on their licence. These can be from speeding and other minor traffic offences. If the points reach 12, drivers can face disqualification under the ‘totting up’ provisions. Disqualification from driving can be a considerable impediment to your work and personal life.
However, there are things that can be done.
The law allows for the notion of ‘exceptional hardship’. If a ‘totting up’ disqualification would result in the driver suffering exceptional hardship, the driver can avoid disqualification if he or she establishes that exceptional hardship would follow.
I have represented a number of drivers who have successfully established exceptional hardship, from professionals and businessmen to individuals with acute personal difficulties.
It is always worth considering whether or not a court will find that the hardship you will suffer from disqualification is exceptional. If the court might, you will need professional assistance in presenting your case.
For more details, see my website.
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